QBE's Dave Greaves takes a look back on 2017

Preparing-for-QBE’s-'Welsh-Dragon'-Dave-Greaves-Lee Bailey-Steve-Oldcorne-Mark-Thomason-Hannah-Cooper-Kirst-Wells-Michelle-Oldcorne-and-Martyn-Hall

As we come to the end of another year it’s good to take stock and look back on everything we’ve achieved in the QBE SME team in 2017.

QBE is regarded as an innovator on e-trade, committed to making it as easy as possible for brokers to trade with us across multiple distribution channels where and when they choose.

We launched Live Chat this year to help brokers get answers to questions and place business with us faster. With any innovation we’re seeing some brokers adopting it right away and some yet to try it. The ones who have taken to it find it much more time-efficient and have given it a thumbs up. It’s still early days for Live Chat, so we’re currently offering it across Minibus, Mini Fleet and Professional Indemnity Combined on Acturis, with the intention to rollout further next year.

Minibus has always been a strong product for QBE. This year we have completed the launch of Minibus insurance on Acturis and the QBE FastFlow extranet, with great success. Being the first and only insurer to offer Minibus insurance on e-trade has proved popular and we’ve seen a significant increase in brokers handling their minibus business online this year.

Still on Motor, we launched a brand new e-trade Mini Fleet product which has been a star performer for us this year. Support has far exceeded all our expectations, so a huge thank you to everyone who has got behind the product.  

We have more e-trade initiatives in the pipeline for 2018. New and enhanced products, greater flexibility and easier communication are some of the items on the agenda.

Getting social

With an expanded Distribution team in place QBE has been out and about a lot more this year, meeting more brokers at more events, such as BIBA, Broker Expos, Acturis, Applied and SSP events.

If you’re on LinkedIn you might have seen that we’ve been posting updates from the Stafford team every week on our QBE SME page. LinkedIn is an excellent medium for engaging with our partners and it’s good to see more brokers following us, commenting and sharing our posts. If you aren’t already, please follow us on LinkedIn at QBE SME

Slaying ‘The Welsh Dragon’

Work aside, the highlight of the year for me was joining QBE colleagues to cycle 200 miles over three days on our ‘Welsh Dragon’ coast to coast challenge – Menai Bridge to Cardiff Bay.

This is now becoming an annual event to raise money for QBE’s charity partner. In 2016 we completed the 175 mile Hadrian’s Wall coast to coast from St Bees to Tynemouth. We’ve also cycled London to Paris previously, as well as climbing the Three Peaks Challenge.

In May, eight of us set off from Menai Bridge for what would prove to be our toughest challenge yet. Sweating buckets pedalling up incredibly steep hills, then riding through horrendous torrential stinging rain like I’ve never seen before, dodging crazy sheep jumping out at us and mending punctures along the way. Three days later, a cold glass of champagne at the finish line has never tasted so good.

A very tiring but amazing three days in the saddle. And raising almost £8800, with QBE Foundation match-funding, for this year’s chosen charity Breast Cancer Care made it all worthwhile.

What challenge can we set for next year? Answers on a postcard please…



Dave Greaves's picture
Dave is responsible for QBE's SME and e-trade business across property, casualty, motor and specialist lines. His key responsibilities are the profitable running of the portfolio and overseeing the ongoing transformation of the business from traditional trading to a full-cycle e-trade operation across multiple distribution platforms. Dave manages a team of around 90 people based in QBE’s SME centre of excellence in Stafford. Outside of insurance Dave is a very keen cyclist and mountain biker.
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