Insurance concierge firm Brolly turns logo upside down


Brolly’s new logo symbolises that in insurance “it’s time to put the umbrella down”

Brolly was “knocked sideways” by response to logo crowdsourcing campaign

New logo “reflects Brolly’s mission to turn insurance on its head”

Brolly, the personal insurance smartphone app, has today revealed the result of its campaign to crowdsource a new logo. And if you think it looks familiar, you’d be right. It’s almost exactly the same as Brolly’s original design - dubbed “the jellyfish” – but cheekily flipped upside down.

Phoebe Hugh, CEO and Co-founder of Brolly, commented on the decision: “We were completely knocked sideways by the response to our crowdsourcing campaign, which inspired so many amazing designs and messages of support. But when we received the suggestion to turn the logo upside down, multiple times, we just loved the idea. It means we get to keep our beloved logo while staying true to our mission – to turn insurance on its head.”

Phoebe and her team launched the crowdsourcing campaign at the end of February in response to a legal challenge from US insurance company Travelers over the use of an umbrella in its logo. Instead of quietly complying with the demand, Brolly put a call out for ideas to inspire its new image, stipulating only that it should be an ‘umbrella free zone’, coining the hashtag #noumbrellas, to avoid further legal claims.

The team received over 300 entries via Twitter, Instagram, email and its online community, which it then whittled down to a shortlist of 10. The final stage was a focus group with Brolly’s user community, where the team gathered feedback before deciding on the overall winner.

“We went into the process with a completely open mind and all 10 of our shortlisted logo entries were strong contenders,” continued Phoebe. “We wanted a design that would emanate positivity, show our bold, fresh approach and that would shock rather than conform. In a way, the umbrella has traditionally been used in insurance as a symbol of protection, though with the technology we’re building, now we feel it’s time to put the umbrella down. The whole point of Brolly is that we handle your insurance so that you don’t have to worry about it anymore, and that is what our new logo signifies.”