Hedron appoints Nick Jones to help broker growth ambitions


Hedron has appointed Nick Jones as growth consultant. Jones, who joins Hedron from Focus Oxford Risk Management Ltd, part of Partners&, will report to Duncan Pagan, Consultancy Services Director, with a brief to help Hedron brokers grow.

Nick said: “Broker growth is at the heart of the Hedron proposition, and my role is to support our partner brokers’ growth in their chosen sectors, by getting them fully engaged with our formula for growth. Working alongside them will also enable us to give them access to our consultancy services.”

Speaking about his career, Nick said: “I have been in broking for 37 years and for 20 of those years leading the strategic growth, operational effectiveness and development of successful teams.”

“In that time I have learned much about planning for success and in taking the necessary actions around systems, process and people to fulfil those plans. Now I’m looking forward to working with Duncan and our partners to develop their long-term success.”

Duncan Pagan said: “If a broker has the right foundations, namely good compliance, excellent systems and process links back to compliance, quality people and market access, they have all they need to grow the business.”

“Now that Nick has joined our team, we are keen to help more of our members create a platform for growth, and for us as a Network to become an even stronger enabler for growth.”

Since launching their growth consultancy service in 2023, Hedron has engaged with 30% of partner brokers on their growth plans; Nick aims to go through the consultancy process with more members in the coming 12 months.

Duncan said the growth consultancy can also bring in specialists such as system consultants who can make configuration changes and automate workflows to bring the actions to life. “We get our hands dirty with members, helping to drive practical inputs, e.g. cross sell of cyber.”

Nick Jones added: “When I left Partners& I had learned a lot about the building of a brokerage from a different angle and gathered a whole lot of experience throughout the sale negotiation.”

“Having led and owned a broker within the network previously, I have a broker’s understanding of what Hedron does and what brokers require from us to achieve their goals. Hedron partner brokers grew on average by 26% last year; I want to raise the growth bar even further.”

“I am keen to help others to create strategies for success, be that a growth programme, restructure due to stagnation, or create a plan for an end goal. When I looked at Hedron, I was really drawn to that opportunity to help others.”

About Nick Jones

Nick previously was a Partner in Oxfordshire broker, Focus Oxford Risk Management Ltd, who were part of Bluefin Network. In 2017, Nick financed and led an MBO to create his own company, Focus Oxford Risk Management Ltd where Nick and the team grew the company in successive years. Focus became an attractive acquisition and Nick negotiated the sale of the business to Partners&, taking a senior role on their trading board as a managing partner, first overseeing the Markets and subsequently leading the South East region.