Can interactive e-learning accelerate sales performance?


Renowned Corporate Sales Trainer and consultant Buki Mosaku has spent the last 19 years working with Insurance brokers, insurers and risk management professionals supporting their efforts to fast track client acquisition and sales growth. During that time, he has witnessed, first hand, a growing recognition of the importance of sales development and its impact on performance.

But Buki warns that challenges remain. Throughout the sector there is a  disproportionate lack of effective selling skills, sales coaching, sales management and sales strategy. Attitude is also a problem: too many are stuck in the past, attached to an unshakeable belief that the way things have always been done is the right way. This often translates into insufficient time, attention and resources being devoted to the core task: improving performance and increasing sales.

In his words “this has hampered the pace at which many smaller brokers, insurers and some of the larger ones too have seized on glaring opportunities to make seismic shifts in sales productivity across their firms”.  Too many are caught between the comfort zone of local legacy clients passed over from generation to generation or acquired through large broker consolidation and a desire to grow exponentially. The result?  Failure to develop and apply a structured sales strategy that nurtures the mindset and behaviour change necessary to drive sales momentum across their firms.

The effects of a weak strategy can be disastrous. A higher turnover of leads, ineffective prospecting, weak account development and inaccurate forecasting all mean that sales budgets are not even being hit, let alone exceeded. And the impact on morale, sales staff turnover and customer service can be equally severe. Too often the solution is to reorient goals downwards: to set modest sales targets that are comfortable but don’t drive significant growth but instead attract just enough attention for acquisition, resulting in fewer and fewer independent firms.

Buki has not just identified the core problem: he has also developed a solution that will fast-track the type of change that leads to sales growth. His answer?  A customised sales training programme that goes well beyond giving account executives a day-long training session to meet their CPD requirement. Such a programme, in his view, needs to be carefully structured, blended and combined with effective sales management and coaching that is aligned to and reinforces corporate goals.  

Following lengthy consultation with core clients, who reinforced the importance of maximum results for minimal costs, Buki has launched the RosAcad- Results Oriented Sales Academy. This is a powerful, interactive video e-Learning sales training solution that covers everything from his renowned ROAM (Results Oriented Appointment Making- Cold/Warm Call) methodology to Accelerated Referral Systems, Account Development, Telephone Selling, Pipeline Management, Strategic Key Account Management and more. All modules are supported by written resources and are delivered in bite-sized chunks that can be viewed at desk pcs and on mobile phones.

The aim is clear: to provide an effective, economical alternative to classroom training or complement to in-person training. The approach, tried and tested techniques that have been proven to establish sales and account development habits which work. As a result, managers can hold their teams accountable for higher levels of performance in line with ambitious corporate sales growth targets.

“It’s the happy medium between Account Executives and Sales People spending too much time away from their desks and out of the field whilst providing them with the tools necessary to drive desired and required sales growth”.

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