Ex policeman who sold accident data to CMCs to pay £367,772


Former Police Officer, Nigel Mungur, received a five-year custodial sentence in October 2017 for stealing police data following road traffic collisions to sell to claims management companies

The confiscation order requires Mungur to pay back £367,772.50

Mungur was jailed following an investigation between Lancashire Constabulary, the Insurance Fraud Bureau and its insurer members

Following a POCA hearing on Tuesday 8 May at Liverpool Crown Court, Nigel Mungur, a former Police Officer with Lancashire Constabulary, was handed a £367,772.50 confiscation order.

Mungur was sentenced to five years’ imprisonment in October 2017 for his role in the unauthorised disclosure of personal information following Road Traffic Collisions in 2014. This was later reduced on appeal to four years.

The scam saw Mungur accessing incident logs of reported accidents, and subsequently selling the data to claims management companies. The scam which he carried out with John Helton, former Relationship Manager at GT Law, saw the duo benefit in the region of £363,000 from sharing the criminally obtained data. Helton was sentenced to two years suspended for two years and 300 hours’ community service for his role in the scam. Helton was also previously given a £115,000 Confiscation Order.

Mungur pleaded guilty in November 2015 to a number of conspiracy offences relating to money laundering, misconduct in a public office and computer misuse. Following his sentencing last year, Mungur was widely criticised in the media for his ‘champagne lifestyle’, with images surfacing of exotic holidays and sports cars. 

The Confiscation Order will now remain in place until the full amount of £367,772.50 is repaid.

Ben Fletcher, Director of the Insurance Fraud Bureau said “This result is another victory in this shocking case. Mungur used his position as a trusted member of the police to capitalise on other’s misfortune, by selling their information illegally to companies that encouraged fraudulent insurance claims.

“It is only right that money he used to fund his extravagant lifestyle is recuperated back, hitting him exactly where it hurts. Our message is clear, punishment doesn’t stop at a prison sentence, you will pay for your crimes in every possible way.” 

Det Supt Pete Simm, Head of Lancashire Constabulary’s Professional Standards Department, said: “Today’s hearing sends out a clear message that no-one working within Lancashire Constabulary will be allowed to profit from corruption.

“Police officers and staff are hugely privileged in terms of the data they have access to and members of the public should be able to trust the integrity of that data. Nigel Mungur clearly and blatantly breached the trust placed in him as a serving police officer.

“Lancashire Constabulary will continue to act where we find malpractice and wrongdoing within the organisation and take swift action to root it out, to ensure the public can have confidence and trust in us.”