Canopius appoints new Deputy CEO


Canopius Group has announced that Neil Robertson has been appointed Deputy Group Chief Executive Officer, with effect from 4 May 2021. 

In this capacity, Neil will report to Michael Watson, Group Chairman and CEO.  After a suitable transition period it is intended that Neil will assume the role of Group CEO with Michael Watson continuing as Chairman.

Neil brings exceptional breadth of experience to Canopius, with an extensive background in underwriting and executive management, with a career in the London insurance industry spanning more than 30 years. He joins Canopius from AXA XL where he most recently served as CEO, Global Specialty, overseeing a multi-billion dollar portfolio of business written across a broad global network.  Neil’s previous responsibilities include Chief Executive of Insurance Underwriting for XL Catlin and seven years as CEO of XL Group’s Lloyd’s Managing Agency. 

Michael Watson said “This is the right time for me to start planning for the next generation of leadership at Canopius.  After all, I have led Canopius for 20 years. I believe Neil is a proven, motivational leader and a very capable builder of businesses and teams. I am confident he will help propel us to the next level and am delighted to welcome him to Canopius.

“Over the last 20 years, we have built a highly valued franchise and an excellent team. But there’s more we can do to expand our footprint and enhance our reputation and performance.  Neil has the right experience to contribute to the development of Canopius at the most senior levels. I am greatly looking forward to working with Neil and the wider Canopius leadership team as we continue our upward trajectory.”

Neil said: “I am thrilled to be offered the opportunity to join Canopius. With its deep pool of talent aligned to a strong capital base I’m excited to help lead the business through the next steps of its strategic development.”