ARAG £3.5 million settlement brings justice to injury victim


Authored by ARAG UK ATE Account Manager Jonathan Bassey

We talk a lot about access to justice at ARAG because it’s the reason our business exists and a founding principle that has become more and more important in the UK, in recent years.

The paths that people must follow to reach a just resolution of their legal problem have been eroded to the extent that thousands would be left in truly dreadful situations were it not for our policies.

It’s easy to forget that every one of these cases, whether insured before or after the event, involves people who have had their lives at least disrupted, but often turned upside down by serious trauma, and who would have little hope without the help provided by our partners.

Just one such case illustrates how vital legal protection can be. It began when a woman sustained serious orthopaedic injuries in a road traffic accident in which the other driver, who was not insured, sadly died.

While her husband and children were also in the vehicle they were not as seriously injured, but the woman had to spend several months away from them, at a specialist rehabilitation unit, before she could even begin the long process of rebuilding her life with her family.

The nature and extent of her injuries mean that she can no longer continue in her beloved career, working with children. She has also been forced to move from the family home, and the limits on her ability to look after her own children has impacted on her partner’s ability to work too.

One of our partner law firms, CFG Law, has supported the family through the difficult task of redefining their life together, from finding a new home to planning the adaptations necessary to enable their client to maximise her mobility, independence and quality of life.

Backed by an ARAG ATE policy, CFG Law was able to appoint a case manager to support the family, investigate and evidence their future needs and pursue a claim, not just for their client’s injuries, but for her treatment, transportation, childcare and other necessities.

The firm negotiated a settlement of £3.5 million which has enabled the family to move into a new home, more suited to the mother’s needs and adapted to suit her physical limitations.

It’s only looking at individual cases like this that can give a true picture of how important such settlements can be in securing the best possible future for families living through such a terrible ordeal.

We cannot give people their lives back, but the important work that firms like CFG Law do can make their situations much easier, comfortable and financially secure. Often, such cases would not be possible without legal expenses insurance.


About ARAG

ARAG UK is a specialist legal insurance provider and is part of the internationally recognised ARAG Group which serves 14 countries worldwide.

Providing several emergency assistance insurance products and an innovative range of Before-the-Event and After-the-Event legal insurance products and services, ARAG UK prides itself on its client-focused approach. This has been recognised by the industry following the results of the Insurance 360 Legal Expenses Insurers Study in which ARAG UK was voted 'best legal insurance provider'. youTalk-insurance sharing ARAG UK insurance news. 

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