GAIN unveils ambitious 3 year strategy to transform neurodiversity in the Insurance and Investment Industry


GAIN (Group for Autism, Insurance, Investment and Neurodiversity) announces the launch of its new three-year strategy and business plan aimed at revolutionising the employment prospects for neurodivergent individuals within the insurance and investment sector. The unveiling of this strategic roadmap marks a significant milestone in GAIN's mission to foster neuroinclusion and create a more diverse and equitable workplace environment.

The launch event, on the 9th of May at the Old Bailey will feature a keynote speech from Sir Robert Buckland, KC KBE, MP, who is the Honorary President of GAIN and author of the independent Buckland Review of Autism Employment. He will share insights into the wider national context for neurodivergent employment and underscore the significance of neuroinclusion in driving business success. Sir Robert is also expected to highlight the importance of collaboration and partnership in driving meaningful change and advancing the cause of neurodiversity inclusion.

Francis McGee, Executive Chair of GAIN will emphasize GAIN’s commitment to transforming the industry for neurodivergent individuals. "The launch of our strategic roadmap signifies a pivotal moment in reshaping the employment landscape for neurodivergent individuals within the insurance and investment sector. With the support of our 43 corporate members and their 100,000+ employees we're charting a course towards a workplace that is not only more diverse but also truly equitable. This strategy underscores our dedication to creating opportunities that empower neurodiverse talent and drive innovation and productivity within our industry."

Barbara Schonhofer MBE, Founder of GAIN shares, ‘The organisation's growth since its inception in 2021 has been remarkable. This shows the compelling nature of our mission to empower neurodivergent individuals in the workplace. Through this industry owned and led initiative we can foster a culture of neuroinclusion that benefits individuals and businesses alike.”

The three-year strategy and business plan outlined by GAIN are organised around four key themes:

  • Building Belief: Through education and awareness-raising initiatives, GAIN aims to grow its community and promote the business benefits of neuroinclusion.
  • Harnessing Expertise: GAIN will leverage the expertise of its panel of service providers and community members to offer practical solutions and support to its members.
  • Creating Neuroinclusive Workspaces: GAIN will develop tools and resources to help members build neuroinclusive workspaces and establish best practices within the industry.
  • Growing Talent Streams: GAIN will focus on nurturing talent pipelines for the industry by supporting education leavers, individuals returning to work, and those transitioning into new career paths.

GAIN also sets out for discussion a framework for measuring progress and change over the implementation of the plan. This includes the pace of attracting new talent to the industry and closing gaps between the workplace experiences and career outcomes of neurodivergent people and others in the workplace.

Laurie Edmans CBE, Founder and Co-Chair of GAIN emphasizes, “Our industry is leading the way towards neuroinclusion through the radical transformation of the employment prospects of neurodivergent people. We’ve fostered a shared belief that neuroinclusion at work is not just a good thing to do, but also a good thing for business. This three-year strategy takes the next steps towards tangible change.”

GAIN invites interested parties to join its community and contribute to the advancement of neurodiversity inclusion in the insurance and investment sector. By becoming members and sponsors, individuals and organisations can play a crucial role in shaping the future of the industry.


GAIN -Group for Autism Insurance, Investment and Neurodiversity

About GAIN

At GAIN, we are passionate about neurodiversity.

We are committed to championing neurodiversity through an industry-wide initiative, seeking to positively impact lives and improve workplaces, for the benefit of all.

Experience tells us that the Insurance, Investment and related Financial Services Industry can benefit greatly from the skills that neurodiverse individuals often excel in. Skills such as; a methodical approach to tasks, a strong attention to detail, alternative creative thinking, as well as looking at situations from a different perspective.

GAIN is a Community Interest Company, established by a growing alliance of people and organisations, who are committed to seeing the opportunities realised, both for neurodiverse individuals and the Insurance, Investment and/related Financial Service Industry.

We bring:

  • Access to talented neurodiverse individuals
  • Expertise in best practices for successful inclusion of the neurodiversity in the workplace

The task we have set ourselves is to:

  • Establish a centre of excellence hub for corporate and individual members
  • Connect with recognised organisations with practical experience of doing this well
  • Learn and share best practices from recruiters, neurodiverse individuals and their managers
  • Celebrate success stories of individuals and organisations which inspire others to do more
  • Engage government, regulators, academia, trade bodies, executive committees, and boards

For more information, please visit our website at GAIN

Be a part of the change, by joining the GAIN community. Keep up to date on the latest from GAIN by visiting our social media channel LinkedIn