GAIN’s Honorary President Launches the National Neuroinclusive Employment Plan


(GAIN) The Group for Autism, Insurance, Investment and Neurodiversity is delighted to welcome the recommendations of the Buckland Review into Autism Employment.  

The review, championed by GAIN’s Honorary President, The Rt Hon. Sir Robert Buckland KC KBE MP sets out a vision for radically improving the employment prospect of neurodivergent individuals, across all industries, and within all workplaces. It includes 19 recommendations that will create a pathway for more neurodiverse people to start, stay and succeed in work. It is hoped that these recommendations will help fill vacancies, encourage more neuroinclusive workplace practices, and in turn boost business performance and grow the economy by unlocking the potential of thousands more people.

GAIN is leading the way in creating pathways to neuro-inclusion, and while we know there’s much more to do, we can see many of the actions and approaches recommended by the review starting to make an impact within our 36 corporate member organisations, names such as Zurich, Aviva, CII, ABI.  A recent industry overview of our benchmark shows,

  • A very high level of psychological safety among ND employees – 85% of the 1,183 respondents to our surveys said they felt either “very” or “somewhat” safe disclosing their neurodiversity
  • 87% felt “somewhat” or “very comfortable” accessing different spaces available at work, such as quiet spaces/focus rooms
  • Overall positive-leaning views by 77% of Line Managers and an even higher among HR professionals in relation to specific workplace adjustments
  • There is a high level of desire expressed by Line Managers to support neurodiverse teams, but the need to develop specific support and resources for them that is in alignment with expectations of HR and ERGs

Francis McGee, Executive Chair of GAIN shares, “Today's report by Sir Robert Buckland, is a milestone for neurodiverse people, who we know can struggle to access and keep fulfilling and rewarding work. GAIN's members, who employ nearly 100,000 people in insurance investment and related financial services, recognise the business benefits of diverse teams that harness the extraordinary abilities of ND people, and are pledged to make our industry more neuroinclusive. We look forward to working with them to achieve the aims of Sir Robert's review.”


GAIN -Group for Autism Insurance, Investment and Neurodiversity

About GAIN

At GAIN, we are passionate about neurodiversity.

We are committed to championing neurodiversity through an industry-wide initiative, seeking to positively impact lives and improve workplaces, for the benefit of all.

Experience tells us that the Insurance, Investment and related Financial Services Industry can benefit greatly from the skills that neurodiverse individuals often excel in. Skills such as; a methodical approach to tasks, a strong attention to detail, alternative creative thinking, as well as looking at situations from a different perspective.

GAIN is a Community Interest Company, established by a growing alliance of people and organisations, who are committed to seeing the opportunities realised, both for neurodiverse individuals and the Insurance, Investment and/related Financial Service Industry.

We bring:

  • Access to talented neurodiverse individuals
  • Expertise in best practices for successful inclusion of the neurodiversity in the workplace

The task we have set ourselves is to:

  • Establish a centre of excellence hub for corporate and individual members
  • Connect with recognised organisations with practical experience of doing this well
  • Learn and share best practices from recruiters, neurodiverse individuals and their managers
  • Celebrate success stories of individuals and organisations which inspire others to do more
  • Engage government, regulators, academia, trade bodies, executive committees, and boards

For more information, please visit our website at GAIN

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