Aviva produces guidance on preparing your business for autumn


Authored by Aviva

With the summer months drawing to a close and the cooler weather around the corner, it’s a good time for your clients to reflect on their risk management strategies and plan for the changing season ahead.

With the added pressures that businesses face in the coming months: continuing economic uncertainty, high inflation and the knock-on effects this has on supply chains and the increasing risk of underinsurance; it’s important to be prepared but also not to overlook the more traditional seasonal risks that can impact your business this time of year.

To help your clients manage the changing risk landscape that a shift in seasons can present, we’ve updated our Autumn Risk Management guidance, which covers some of the key issues to be aware of at this time of year. From dangerous driving conditions to vulnerable road users and slips and trips, it clearly defines what to look out for and outlines simple measures that can be taken to help protect your clients’ people and safeguard their business.

Road traffic incidents and vulnerable road users are particularly important to be aware of - autumn brings fallen leaves, colder weather, rain, lower sun, frosts and longer periods of darkness which can all impact driver performance and contribute to an increase in road traffic collisions. The potential impact on property is most obvious when considering autumn conditions, but it’s essential to fully assess these risks and prepare for any adverse weather including storms or floods that could cause severe disruption.

It's also important to consider slips and trips, a common cause of injuries at work; wet weather and damp autumn leaves can increase the risks further, both inside and outside a premises. Injuries such as these affect the individual involved but also can lead to business losses through claims, employee absence and bad publicity. Effective management of tools and equipment is also an important consideration. Especially following any recent renovation works, providing maintenance and ensuring safe practices are carried out before the autumn period will help to avoid injury or losses.


About Aviva

Aviva Insurance Limited is one of the UK’s leading insurance companies, part of the Aviva group with 34 million customers Worldwide. Aviva Insurance has been in the insurance business for more than 300 years.

In UK commercial, the insurance market remains challenging for insurance brokers and customers, due to the ongoing economic conditions. Aviva Insurance are focusing on improving our processes to ensure Aviva provide commercial customers with insurance cover at an acceptable price. Insurance brokers also recognised our excellent customer service by voting us Insurance Times General Insurer of the Year in 2012, for the second year running. youTalk-insurance sharing Aviva insurance news and video.

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