How to manage anxiety around spiralling energy costs


Authored by ARAG

Aside from financial stress due to the cost of living being a common concern right now, one of the stressors many of us seem to be facing this winter is managing our anxiety due to the soaring costs of energy. Our partner, Vita Health Group, has again some tips.

  • Limit your news and social media use

The news is full of depressing stories about people struggling and watching this everyday can genuinely impact how you feel and behave. Whilst it is of course important to stay up to date on what is going on in the world, aim to limit your usage and only take away what is actually useful to you. Your anxiety may well spiral out of control if you see others having to choose between feeding their family and paying their energy bills, so pick your content wisely. Instead of watching TV or endlessly scrolling Instagram, go for a walk, read a book or do some yoga at home to switch off.

  • Create a stress bucket

A nice way to think about or stress is in the form of a ‘stress bucket’. We all have a stress bucket that is being dripped into with the many stressors around us. The key is to have an outlet for our stress. If we don’t, our bucket will overflow, resulting in burnout, anxiety and overwhelm. You can put holes in your bucket by looking after yourself, practicing self-care, spending time with friends and family and focusing on the tips above. Remember you’re only human and there is only so much room in your stress bucket.

To find out more useful tips CLICK HERE


About ARAG

ARAG UK is a specialist legal insurance provider and is part of the internationally recognised ARAG Group which serves 14 countries worldwide.

Providing several emergency assistance insurance products and an innovative range of Before-the-Event and After-the-Event legal insurance products and services, ARAG UK prides itself on its client-focused approach. This has been recognised by the industry following the results of the Insurance 360 Legal Expenses Insurers Study in which ARAG UK was voted 'best legal insurance provider'. youTalk-insurance sharing ARAG UK insurance news. 

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